Become an Expert Real Estate Agent In Weeks (Not Years)

Learn the hands-on skills you need to represent your clients like a pro and build a thriving real estate business FAST.

Get started by attending this FREE training:

Learn key business-building concepts and techniques that save you precious years of effort, so you can grow your real estate business exponentially from the very beginning.

(Free on-demand video training, ideal for agents in years 1 to 5.)

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Contrary to Popular Belief...

Learning expert real estate agent skills does NOT have to take years of trial and error.

Sure, some things do have to be learned "in the field".

But after 24+ years in real estate, I've seen over and over again that the vast majority of mistakes and knowledge gaps that hold newer agents back are entirely preventable.

What beginner agents really need in order to skip most of the mistakes and jumpstart their progress is PRACTICAL expert-level information and clear instruction on how to use it.

But as you probably know, those things are extremely hard to find.

And here's why this is such a problem for agents in their first precious years in real estate.

The beginning years in real estate set the trajectory.

Getting things right as soon as possible in real estate has the same effect as compounding interest in a savings account.

In the beginning it's hard to see any difference.

But as time progresses, it become clear that everything you can do to increase your rate of success at every step adds up to enormous results.

And this is where I see beginner agents losing the most opportunities.

Do any of these common issues sound familiar?

You've been told to focus on getting leads, leads, leads.

But then what?  Who shows you how to represent your new buyer or seller with expert level skills so you have a high chance of turning prospects into clients, closing successfully and providing such an amazing experience that they recommend you to friends and colleagues for years to come?

You joined a brokerage that said they'd provide training.

But... it hasn't quite panned out and you still feel like you're on your own.

You're being told to feel confident charging what you're worth.

But at the same time you realize you don't have much experience yet. You know you have the right work ethic and character, but it's a real struggle to get the professional training you need to increase the value of your skills.

Are you wondering if you missed the boat in real estate?

The NAR settlement is making headlines. Is agent representation (especially buyer agency) on its way out?

The good news: It's not, but the agent's value needs to be OBVIOUS from Day 1.

You're struggling to find ways to learn key professional skills.

Home pricing, working with buyers, differentiating yourself as a listing agent, multiple offer representation, protecting your clients from liability, writing a solid offer and feeling prepared to answer questions...

You want to do the very best for your buyers and sellers, but feel like you're beating your head against a wall trying to learn professional skills so you can represent them at the highest level as soon as possible.

That's why I'm on a mission to change the traditional system.

My name is Irene Nash, and I started out as a REALTOR over 24 years ago knowing virtually nothing about real estate.

(I had 12 people on my contact list and was so unfamiliar with the area that I got lost on the way to my first brokerage interview.)

Fortunately, through a lot of hard work and with the help of great clients I was able to create a thriving 6-figure business.

But even though my brokerage provided a lot of extra training, it was still only the tip of the iceberg.

Looking back, I know I could have succeeded SO much faster - and with much higher revenue - if I had just been taught some things I had to figure out on my own.

That's why I'm on a mission to change the traditional system.

My name is Irene Nash, and I started out as a REALTOR over 24 years ago knowing virtually nothing about real estate.

(I had 12 people on my contact list and was so unfamiliar with the area that I got lost on the way to my first brokerage interview.)

Fortunately, through a lot of hard work and with the help of great clients I was able to create a thriving 6-figure business.

But even though my brokerage provided a lot of extra training, it was still only the tip of the iceberg.

Looking back, I know I could have succeeded SO much faster - and with much higher revenue - if I had just known earlier some things I had to figure out on my own.

Here's how I can help you:

Free Online Training:

This Bootcamp training teaches you crucial career-building concepts and techniques that give you the power to start growing your real estate business exponentially right away.

(Free on-demand video training, ideal for agents in years 1 to 5.)

Get Instant Access Now

Expert Real Estate Skills Training

Skip the learning curve with highly practical online trainings that give you the professional real estate skills you need to succeed FAST.

The Success With Home Buyers System

Take the stress out of working with buyers! Increase conversions and closings using an Education-Focused Home Buyer Presentation that creates your ideal client, sets every potential buyer up for success and proves your value on Day 1. 

This course guides you step by step and provides you with language and materials to use from your very first contact with a potential buyer until after closing, including the complete done-for-you Home Buyer Presentation and detailed instructions on exactly how to present it.

This "first conversation to after closing" system has been the key to success in my own business with every potential buyer client for over 20 years. (It's even more crucial now that buyer-agent relationships have been complicated by the fallout from the NAR settlement.)

Includes the customizable, ready-to-go home buyer presentation and detailed instructions on exactly what to do and say.

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7 Day Home Pricing Pro

Confidently produce highly accurate CMAs that clients easily understand and agree with, using this step-by-step system that works in any market.

Home pricing is an essential skill that is often overlooked and rarely taught in a way that catches shifts in current value trends.

Learn why traditional CMAs leave agents pricing homes for an outdated market, watch every step of a real home valuation, and find out how to discover what the current market is doing at any given time.

This course provides you with a proven home valuation system that you can use throughout your entire real estate career.

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Register for the New Agent Success Bootcamp

Learn key new agent success concepts in this FREE self-paced video training course.

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